FRANCHISOR: [Franchisor’s Legal Name] [Franchisor’s Address]
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On İki Levha Yayıncılık
Yayın tarihi:
Ekim 2024
Son Güncelleme:
Ekim 2024
Aşağıda bir kısmını gördüğünüz bu dokümana sadece pakete abone olan üyelerimiz erişebilir.
E.Örnek Franchise Sözleşmesi
This Franchising Agreement (“Agreement”) is entered into on [Date], by and between:…
FRANCHISEE: [Franchisee’s Legal Name] [Franchisee’s Address]
1.1. Franchise System: The franchisor’s business system, including trademarks, trade secrets, business methods, and operational procedures.…
1.2. Franchise Fee: The one-time fee paid by the franchisee for the right to operate under the franchisor’s system.…
1.3. Royalty Fee: Ongoing payments made by the franchisee to the franchisor based on a percentage of gross sales.…
2.1. Franchise Rights: The franchisor grants the franchisee the non-exclusive right to operate a business using the franchisor’s system.…
2.2. Territory: The specific geographic area where the franchisee has the right to operate.…
3.1. Operating Standards: The franchisee agrees to operate the business according to the franchisor’s standards and specifications.…
3.2. Training: The franchisee will undergo training as specified by the franchisor.…
3.3. Royalty Payments: The franchisee will pay the agreed-upon royalty fees in a timely manner.…
4.1. Initial Support: The franchisor will provide initial training, guidance, and assistance to the franchisee. 4.2. Ongoing Support: The franchisor will offer continued support, marketing assistance, and operational guidance.…
The franchisee is granted a license to use the franchisor’s trademarks during the term of this Agreement.…
6. TERM…
6.1. Term: The initial term of this Agreement is [X] years.…
7.1. Termination: Either party may terminate the agreement for specified reasons as outlined in the Agreement.…
8.1. Franchise Fee: The franchisee shall pay the one-time franchise fee as specified.…
8.2. Royalty Fee: The franchisee shall pay ongoing royalty fees according to the agreed-upon percentage.…
“Force Majeure” means the occurrence of an event or circumstance that prevents or impedes a party from performing one or more of its contractual obligations under the contract, if and to the extent that that party proves:…
[a] that such impediment is beyond its reasonable control; and…
[b] that it could not reasonably have been foreseen at the time of the conclusion of the contract; and…
[c] that the effects of the impediment could not reasonably have been avoided or overcome by the affected party.…
In the absence of proof to the contrary, the following events affecting a party shall be presumed to fulfil conditions (a) and (b) under paragraph 1 of this Clause:…
(i) war (whether declared or not), hostilities, invasion, act of foreign enemies, extensive military mobilisation;…
(ii) civil war, riot, rebellion and revolution, military or usurped power, insurrection, act of terrorism, sabotage or piracy; (iii) currency and trade restriction, embargo, sanction;…
(iv) act of authority whether lawful or unlawful, compliance with any law or governmental order, expropriation, seizure of works, requisition, nationalisation;…
(v) plague, epidemic, natural disaster or extreme natural event;…
(vi) explosion, fire, destruction of equipment, prolonged break-down of transport, telecommunication, information system or energy;…
(vii) general labour disturbance such as boycott, strike and lock-out, go-slow, occupation of factories and premises.…
A party successfully invoking this Clause is relieved from its duty to perform its obligations under the contract and from any liability in damages or from any other contractual remedy for breach of contract, from the time at which the impediment causes inability to perform, provided that the notice thereof is given without delay. If notice thereof is not given without delay, the relief is effective from the time at which notice thereof reaches the other party. Where the effect of the impediment or event invoked is temporary, the above consequences shall apply only as long as the impediment invoked impedes performance by the affected party. Where the duration of the impediment invoked has the effect of substantially depriving the contracting parties of what they were reasonably entitled to expect under the contract, either party has the right to terminate the contract by notification within a reasonable period to the other party. Unless otherwise agreed, the Parties expressly agree that the contract may be terminated by either party if the duration of the impediment exceeds 120 days.…