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Üçüncü Ayrım - Satış Sözleşmesinin Kuruluşu
AUDIT, Bernard: La vente internationale de marchandises, Convention des Nations-Unies du 11 avril 1980, Paris 1990; BUTLER, Petra/MUELLER, Bianca Maria: “Acceptance of an Offer Under the CISG” Victoria University of Wellington Legal Resarch Papers No. 7/2017, s. 299-315; DI MATTEO, A. Larry: “Critical Issues in the Formation of Contracts under the CISG”, [papers from Uniform Sales Law: the CISG at its 30th Anniversary, a conference in memory of Albert H. Kritzer, 12-13 November 2010, Belgrade] the Annals of the Faculty of Law in Belgrade - Belgrade Law Review, LIX 2011, no. 3, s. 67-83; DUKE, Anna “What Does the CISG Have to Say about Smart Contracts: A Legal Analysis” Chicago Journal of International Law, vol. 20, no. 1, Summer 2019, s. 141-177; EÖRSI, Gyula: “Formation of Contract”, Convention de Vienne de 1980 sur la Vente Internationale de Marchandises, Colloque de Lausanne des 19 et 20 novembre 1984, Zürich 1985, s. 43-53 (Anılış: Eörsi, Formation of Contract); GIANNINI, Giulio: “The Formation of the Contract in the UN Convention on the International Sale of Goods: A Comparative Analysis”, Nordic Journal of Commercial Law, 2006/1; GIOVANOLI, Mario: “Télécommunications et forme écrite dans les contrats internationaux”, Mélanges Paul Piotet, Lozan 1990, s. 425 vd.; HERBER, Rolf: Einführung, Wiener Uncitral-Übereinkommen über internationale Warenkaufvertraege vom 11 April 1980 (Heraus. Bundesstelle für Aussenhandelsinformation), 3. Bası, Köln 1988, s. 1-57 (Anılış: Herber, Einführung); RONALD A. Brand/FLECHTNER, Harry M.: “Arbitration and Contract Formation in International Trade: First Interpretations of the U.N. Sales Convention [commenting on Filanto v. Chilewich (U.S.) and ICC Case No. 5713 of 1989]”, 12 Journal of Law and Commerce 1993, s. 239-260; STOFFEL, Walter: “Formation du contrat”, Convention de Vienne de 1980 sur la vente internationale de marchandises, Colloque de Lausanne des 19 et 20 novembre 1984, Zürich 1985, s. 55 vd.…