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Sayfa 265

Üçüncü Ayrım - Satış Sözleşmesinin Kuruluşu


AUDIT, Bernard: La vente internationale de marchandises, Convention des Nations-Unies du 11 avril 1980, Paris 1990; BUTLER, Petra/MUELLER, Bianca Maria: “Acceptance of an Offer Under the CISG” Victoria University of Wellington Legal Resarch Papers No. 7/2017, s. 299-315; DI MATTEO, A. Larry: “Critical Issues in the Formation of Contracts under the CISG”, [papers from Uniform Sales Law: the CISG at its 30th Anniversary, a conference in memory of Albert H. Kritzer, 12-13 November 2010, Belgrade] the Annals of the Faculty of Law in Belgrade - Belgrade Law Review, LIX 2011, no. 3, s. 67-83; DUKE, Anna “What Does the CISG Have to Say about Smart Contracts: A Legal Analysis” Chicago Journal of International Law, vol. 20, no. 1, Summer 2019, s. 141-177; EÖRSI, Gyula: “Formation of Contract”, Convention de Vienne de 1980 sur la Vente Internationale de Marchandises, Colloque de Lausanne des 19 et 20 novembre 1984, Zürich 1985, s. 43-53 (Anılış: Eörsi, Formation of Contract); GIANNINI, Giulio: “The Formation of the Contract in the UN Convention on the International Sale of Goods: A Comparative Analysis”, Nordic Journal of Commercial Law, 2006/1; GIOVANOLI, Mario: “Télécommunications et forme écrite dans les contrats internationaux”, Mélanges Paul Piotet, Lozan 1990, s. 425 vd.; HERBER, Rolf: Einführung, Wiener Uncitral-Übereinkommen über internationale Warenkaufvertraege vom 11 April 1980 (Heraus. Bundesstelle für Aussenhandelsinformation), 3. Bası, Köln 1988, s. 1-57 (Anılış: Herber, Einführung); RONALD A. Brand/FLECHTNER, Harry M.: “Arbitration and Contract Formation in International Trade: First Interpretations of the U.N. Sales Convention [commenting on Filanto v. Chilewich (U.S.) and ICC Case No. 5713 of 1989]”, 12 Journal of Law and Commerce 1993, s. 239-260; STOFFEL, Walter: “Formation du contrat”, Convention de Vienne de 1980 sur la vente internationale de marchandises, Colloque de Lausanne des 19 et 20 novembre 1984, Zürich 1985, s. 55 vd.

III.Zamansal Uygulama Alanı
I.Karşılıklı ve Uygun İrade Beyanları